Sunday, 30 December 2007

Stand Tall

Life´s a beach!

Tuesday, 18 December 2007

French & Perverts

Yesterday I went to donate blood with a couple of friends. One of them is French and as we were walking down the street she couldn´t hide her excitement regarding what we were about to do. She called her mother who decided to give her a history lesson and didn´t share the same enthusiasm when it comes to be a humanitarian. To her daughter´s joy of "Mom zy ame goinge to donate blud" (She said it in french) the lady promptly responded: "Don´t you sink zwe ave given enoufe blud to ze Germanzs alreadii?"

In the end, none of us spilled a drop of blood. According to the German Healthcare Authorities, we are sexual perverts emotionally unbalanced: You can´t have had a one night stand in a period shorter than 3 months to donate it. This means good and bad news: Apparently after such period you are free from AIDS but on the dark side, people in need of a transfusion will get mostly ugly and fat blood.

Sunday, 16 December 2007

A Christmas present

8 days till Christmas and I still haven't received any present from my sponsors. This is not only alarming, it is also very sad.

I know they are always running on a tight schedule (And what lovely tights they have), which makes such simple gesture even more difficult to comply, especially with the shopping centers so packed in this time of the year.

Since I am a reasonable person, I decided not to ask for one. Instead my only wish is to spend some time with them (Both, at the same time, for around 3 to 4 hours) during this season holidays. Their presence in my place is all I need to have a very happy Christmas.

Kiss - Heavens On Fire

Alright then... forget about the girls, they´re just disguise. I´ve just elected them THE GAYEST ROCK BAND EVER!

And if you don´t agree either you´re gay as well or just take a closer look to to the way they hold up their guitars.

Friday, 7 December 2007

África (polaca) minha!

Como o Erasmus continua a pesar entre os meus pensamentos, aqui fica um sketch que eu e o meu brother Gonçalo Yakububu vimos vezes sem conta no nosso cubículo em Varsóvia.

Para ti grande Yakububu um abraço forte do teu broda António Obikwelu!


UUUNDEEER é que ultimamente NAADA! Só dá istúpidu!!!

Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Erasmus Landscape

When I opened my mail today I found a gift from my good friend Antonello. It is Christmas time, some of you might say. But this was certainly not the purpose. He wanted instead to remind me that all these moments he pictured were not part of my imagination but instead memories of that great year that we all share (depending on the night and amount of alcohol).

The pre-parties, parties and the after-parties. The streets, roads, rotundas, buildings, apartments and more parties. The classes and the universities (Not important). The walks, trams, buses, trains. Did I miss the parties? The boys, girls, talks, photos, games, scores and the freaking parties. (NO I DIDN´T! Do you really think I would forget the drinking! WÓDKA of course! NA ZRODWIE, KURWA!)

May we be Erasmus wherever we may roam! Till one day my friend! DZIEKUIE BARDZO!

It´s something unpredictable, but in the end is right, we can assure you we had the time of our life.

Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Bowling speaking

C.- I must say, I do feel a strange satisfaction watching the black ball knockdown those self-righteous white pins.

J.- Can´t blame them for being self-righteous. The black ball is in their neighbourhood uninvited.

C.- The black ball has done nothing wrong.

J.- If the black ball is innocent, it has nothing to fear.

Saturday, 1 December 2007

Family Guy

...and for good old black humor as well...